Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Buying Vintage Things and Why | Wp 11

Name something you want to buy that is vintage. Why do you want to buy it?

I'd love to have so many vintage knickknacks and cute decoration pieces. I just think it'd be so cool to know that its been around long before I have been (maybe to some but not vintage looking pieces. It puts such a different affect on the room than modern decoration pieces would.

You can look at vintage (or vintage looking things) and imagine it in a home with many other vintage things, hundreds of years before you've had it.

What vintage things would you buy?

OOOOH! Vintage (or vintage looking) clothes are sooooo cute! I love wearing outfits that look very vintage-y. I do wear vintage looking outfits once and a while, and I just feel so unique when walking around. (especially at school when everyone literally looks like they all walked through the same stores. not that their look is bad, in fact, they all pull it off really well, and I just couldn't pull outfits like theirs off)

Thanks loves xx

(I hope you are enjoying these writing prompts as much as I am! It's really fun and a nice little challenge to try and get something up every single day. lol. It's been fun but now there's only a few days left. :( Maybe I'll do something like this is the future?? This has been really fun! hahaha sorry to keep you waiting, BYEEE <3)

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